The Science of Change

A Crash Course in Neuroscience

Why you need to understand the science behind your coaching

There is a misconception in the world when it comes to coaching, hypnois and NLP.

Many people view mindset change as some mystical woo woo stuff.

There may be some coaches that practice such arts but we rely on proven scientific processes.

A coach is NOT your cheerleader of friend.

There will be times when a coach has to call you out to move you forward.

Hypnosis is NOT a mind control trick to instantly change you or have you do something out of your control.

It can be very effective as a tool for change as we “rewire” your brain for success.

NLP is NOT a mind hack for sales people, politicians and pick up artists . Sleazy Salesman

It a language toolset derived from studying the excellence of extraordinary therapists. It is used throughout all of the coaching.

Now that we have cleared up some misconceptions let’s dive into the geeky neuroscientific details.

And what can be more detailed than…


The human body is made up of trillions of cells.

Cells of the nervous system, called nerve cells or neurons, are specialized to carry “messages” through an electrochemical process.

This is one reason why staying hydrated is important because most of the communication happens by chemicals.

Dehydration thus can produce brain fog and fatigue.

The human brain has approximately 86 billion neurons. 🧠

Neurons come in many different shapes and sizes.

Some of the smallest neurons have cell bodies that are only 4 microns wide.

Some of the biggest neurons have cell bodies that are 100 microns wide.

1 micron is equal to one thousandth of a millimeter!

Sodium and Potassium are key players in neurons communicating with each other. 👫🏽

Neurons communicate via both electrical signals and chemical signals:

The electrical signals are action potentials, which transmit the information from one neuron to the other.

An action potential is a rapid, temporary change in membrane potential (electrical charge), and it is caused by sodium rushing to a neuron and potassium rushing out.

The chemical signals 🧪 are neurotransmitters, which transmit the information from one neuron to the next.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that are released from one neuron as a result of an action potential; they cause a rapid, temporary change in the membrane potential of the adjacent neuron to initiate an action potential in that neuron.

If there is an imbalance of the neurotransmitters issues such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, seizures, anxiety, irritability, concentration, sleep, seizures, and depression. 😔

Fortunately, our subconscious mind regulates this communication with a set goal to keep us healthy.

Next up is ….

The Brain

So we got introduced to those teeny tiny cells in our body called neurons.

There is one behind the period in the line above…can you see it? 😂

As you may recall, The human brain has approximately 86 billion neurons. 🧠

The chemicals used by neurons to store memories are protein molecules.

The most common are the “GluR” proteins which combine to form “AMPA” neuroreceptors.

AMPA receptor
Zanetti L, Regoni M, Ratti E, Valtorta F, Sassone J.
Presynaptic AMPA Receptors in Health and Disease. Cells. 2021; 10(9):2260.

These are activated by the neurotransmitter glutamate.

The brain stores memories by altering the signal transmission strength at synapses, which are the connection points between neurons.

A key player in emotions and memory is the Amygdala.

The amygdala is a small area at the base of the human brain that resembles an almond. It is repeated on both hemispheres (sides).

It is where emotions are encoded and where they are attached to memories, associations and responses.

Typically when we encounter something through our senses the “AMPA” neuroreceptors attach to the amygdala briefly as the brain pulls info from its storage and tells you things are ok.

The ampareceptors then detach and you are left with a memory that may fade over time.

Unfortunately, sometimes, the process gets distorted.

Certain events that your brain may not be able to pdrocess clearly then allow the ampareceptors to remain attached as if held by crazy glue.

This distortion then leads to conditions we commonly know as trauma and phobias. 😨

There now exists processes that act as a “glue remover” to release the ampareceptors.

Once released a person can go on living a “normal” life. 😊

Learning those processes to help others has been spiritually rewarding for me. 🙏

It is so nice to see someone be freed from a condition they have carried for years.

Now take a look at the “second brain”. ❓❗❓

Ever heard the phrase, “You are what eat”?

There’s a bit of truth to the statement.

Like the brain, your gut is full of nerves called the enteric nervous system, or ENS,

also referred to as the “second brain”. 🧠🫃🏻

The ENS has an amazing 500,000,000 or so individual neurons composing its networks.

The human brain contains around 200 times the number of neurons present in the ENS,

and, the brain’s neurons perform more complex tasks. 💻

Interestingly, the spinal cord “only” contains around 100 million neurons, or 1/5 the number of neurons in the ENS.

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication network that links the enteric and central nervous systems.

This connection allows the brain to influence intestinal activities, including the activity of functional immune effector cells; and the gut to influence mood, cognition, and mental health.

We will wrap up this neuroscience crash course with the subconscious mind.

The mind is a separate entity from the brain yet they work together. 💭🧠

The brain is a mass that can be physically touched while the mind is invisible.

The mind is composed of two parts.

The conscious mind which is your objective or thinking mind. It has no memory, and it can only hold one thought at a time.

The second part is the unconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is a data-bank.

It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills.

Everything that you have seen, done or thought.

It is also your guidance system. 🧭

It constantly monitors the information coming from the senses for dangers and opportunities.

It is believed that subconscious programming may begin in the last trimester before birth.

Therefore, when the is born the subconscious already knows to keep the heart beating,
lungs circulating air and other body functions that we never have to stop and think about.

This explains why people whose mothers read to them during pregnancy excelled in school. 👨🏽‍🎓

As adults, by carefully and intentionally cultivating our mind we can perform at optimal levels.

A few of the end results of performing at this level is business success, deeper meaningful relationships and better health.