Our Why

At CNI, we believe that by helping you develop into the superstar you were created to be will cause a trickle effect on the lives of your family, friends, community and ultimately make a difference in our world.

What we do

Unlike traditional therapy, we aim to quickly remove negative and unproductive “mental weeds” from your mind. We then provide you with resources that bridge the gap from where you are now to the life you desire.

Imagine me as your Sherpa, not on a snowy Himalayan peak, but on the summit of your personal Everest. Our goal? To reach the pinnacle of your well-being, a path less about physical prowess and more about navigating the intricate terrain of your mind, body, and spirit.

Our journey begins not with crampons and ice axes, but with introspection. We’ll sit by the metaphorical campfire, sipping on self-awareness, and map your inner landscape. Where are the crevasses of self-doubt, the avalanches of anxiety? Where lie the sunlit plateaus of potential, the hidden streams of untapped strength?

Like a Sherpa reading the mountain, I’ll interpret the signs – the tension in your shoulders, the flicker in your eyes. We’ll identify your guiding star, the vision that fuels your ascent. Then, armed with mindfulness techniques, breathwork, and gentle questioning, we’ll chip away at limiting beliefs, the icy boulders blocking your path.

Remember, your Everest is unique. You might seek balance in relationships, the calm valley after a turbulent climb. Perhaps you yearn for the peak of career fulfillment, the breathtaking vista of your potential. Whatever your summit, I’m your guide, not a dictator. You set the pace, and I’ll provide the tools:

The climb won’t be without its challenges. Blizzards of self-criticism might threaten to obscure the path, and fatigue may tempt you to retreat. But remember, Sherpas don’t abandon their climbers. We’ll weather the storms together, using compassion and encouragement to rekindle your inner fire.

Reaching the summit isn’t about standing on a distant peak, but about becoming the peak of your own potential. It’s about embodying resilience, radiating peace, and living a life aligned with your deepest desires. As your Sherpa, I’ll be your support system, your cheerleader, your mirror reflecting your strength. Remember, the view from the top is always worth the climb.

So, pack your bags with courage, curiosity, and a touch of self-compassion. The journey to your inner Everest awaits, and your Sherpa is ready to guide you every step of the way.

We call this process the High Achievers Lifestyle Technique (HALT).

HALT works for anyone. Employee, stay-at-home parent, CEO, or small business owner. If you are a human being and want to change HALT will help.

Who we work with

Anxiety, depression, and trauma are not biased. They hold no favorites.

Therefore, our gentle, rapid-acting processes work for any human being regardless of age, culture, education level, etc.

However, to be open with you I am a little biased.

So let me issue you this WARNING…

If you are seeking a dry, stern (boring) therapist…

The “Dr. Krabby Pants” type…

Then  no need to read further.

That’s not me.

At the risk of sounding cliche.

Life is too short.

Too short for boredom and mediocrity.

Too short for negative energy. 

Which by the way, only contributes to making your life even shorter.

So if you believe love ❤️conquers all and laughter is the best medicine. 😆

Then we are a good fit and …

I encourage you to click the button below and schedule a call.

Yes I Want To Change Now