Havening Techniques

Reduce Anxiety With A Gentle Process You Can Do At Home

About Havening

How Havening Therapy Works

The Havening Technique (HT) is a newer alternative therapy aimed at reducing stress, anxiety, and phobias. Developed by Dr. Steven and Dr. Ronald Ruden, it combines elements of touch, eye movements, and other sensory inputs to achieve emotional regulation. Havening, the transitive verb of the word haven, means to put into a safe place. 1

Havening utilizes the power of Neuroplasticity (Your Brain’s Rewiring Power).

Neuroplasticity refers to the remarkable ability of your brain to change and adapt throughout your life.

It’s not just about learning new things; it’s about fundamentally rewiring neural pathways based on your experiences.

Think of it as the brain’s built-in potential for growth and self-improvement.

Here’s how it works:

Neurons communicate: Nerve cells (neurons) connect and pass information through electrical and chemical signals. Repeated activation of these pathways strengthens them, making them more efficient for that specific activity.

New connections: When you learn something new or engage in novel experiences, your brain forms new connections between neurons. This creates new neural networks, expanding your brain’s capacity.

Pruning the old: Unused pathways gradually weaken and may even be eliminated, freeing up resources for new connections. This ensures your brain operates efficiently and focuses on relevant information.

Havening Technique: Leveraging Neuroplasticity for Change
The Havening technique aims to harness the power of neuroplasticity to address emotional issues and promote well-being. Here’s how it works:

Identify the target: You and your practitioner determine the issue you want to address, like negative emotions or limiting beliefs.

Anchor to safety: You recall a past positive experience or visualize a safe and calm state, creating an “anchor” for safety and calm.

Havening touch: The practitioner gently touches specific areas on your face and arms, mimicking the calming touch of a loved one.
Since the pandemic self-havening is more common allowing you to achieve the same results from the comfort of your home or workplace.

Neurosensory stimulation: While receiving the touch, you engage in bilateral stimulation activities like side-to-side eye movements or humming.

Shifting perspective: You ask yourself open-ended questions about the target issue while maintaining the safe and calm state fostered by the anchor and touch.

The theory: This combination of emotional safety, bilateral stimulation, and cognitive reframing activates neuroplasticity, weakening the neural pathways associated with the target issue and strengthening those linked to the safe and positive state.

Potential benefits: The Havening technique can be helpful for various issues, including:

  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Addressing PTSD and trauma
  • Overcoming phobias and fears
  • Improving emotional regulation
  • Enhancing personal growth and resilience

Havening can be done content free which means you don’t have to share what happened or any details. This allows you the release of the feelings without concern of judgement. If you would like to experience this gentle yet power process to be free of anxiety or a phobia schedule a call today.

  1. Havening Techniques – Better Living Through Neuroscience. (n.d.). Havening Techniques Official Website.  https://www.havening.org/